Chemistry Models

BeAR currently includes the following chemistry models:

Details on the implementation of the latter four parametrisations are discussed here.

BeAR can also mix several different of these models in a single retrieval. This is explained in this section. All chemical species that BeAR uses have to be defined in a corresponding header file. This is described at the bottom of this chapter.


In the corresponding forward_model.config of the chosen forward model, the isoprofile chemistry model is chosen by using the keyword iso (or isoprofile), followed by a list of species that should be used by the retrieval:

#Retrieved chemical species
iso  H2O CH4 NH3 K H2S CO2

For each species, a corresponding entry in the prior config file is required. The order of the priors has to be identical to the one in the forward_model.config.

Furthermore, as described by Kitzmann et al. (2020), the abundance of sodium (Na) is linked to the one of potassium (K) through the ratio of their solar elemental abundances. Thus, in the example above, the Na abundance would automatically be derived from K, without explicitly including the former as a free parameter.

If Na should be retrieved independently, it needs to be added as a separate species as shown below.

#Retrieved chemical species
iso  H2O CH4 NH3 K H2S CO2 Na

Isoprofiles with centred-log-ratio priors

The standard isoprofile chemistry model described above fills up the background of the atmosphere with a mixture of molecular hydrogen and helium. While this valid for gas giants or brown dwarfs, this is less suitable for atmospheres that are not dominated by H2 and He. For cases, where the background gas is not explicitly known, centred-log-ratio priors for the chemical abundances can be used. These can more efficiently sample the prior distributions in a way to determine which of the chosen species is the dominant one. More detailed information on these priors can be found in Benneke & Seager (2012).

For a given mixture of \(n\) gases, the centred-log-ratio conversion (clr) for the mixing ration \(x_j\) of a given molecule \(j\) in the mixture is given by

\[\xi_j = \mathrm{clr}(x_j) = \ln \frac{x_j}{g(\mathbf x)}\]

where \(g(\mathbf x)\) is the geometric mean of all mixing ratios \(\mathbf{x}\):

\[g(\mathbf{x}) = \left( \prod_{j=1}^{n} x_j \right)^{1/n} \ .\]

Due to the constraint that

\[\sum_{j=1}^n x_j = 1 \quad \text{or} \quad \sum_{j=1}^n \xi_j = 0 \ ,\]

only \(n-1\) free parameters are needed in the retrieval.

The prior distributions for the free parameters should be uniform and vary between 0 and 1. BeAR will use these priors to produce \(\xi_j\) values subject to the constraints that \(\min\left(\mathbf{x}\right) = 10^{-10}\) and \(\max\left(\mathbf{x}\right) = 1\). It is important to note that the prior boundaries for \(\xi_j\) depend on the number of molecules in the retrieval and the chosen value of the smallest allowed mixing ratio. For uniform priors between 0 and 1, BeAR will do the conversion to \(\xi_j\) and then to the mixing ratios \(x_j\) automatically.

This chemistry model is chosen in the forward_model.config file by using

#Retrieved chemical species
iso_clr H2O CH4 NH3 H2S CO2

As noted above, for these 5 species only 4 priors are needed due to the constraint that the sum of their mixing ratios has to be unity. This chemistry model will, therefore, select one of these free species as the dominant background gas. In the prior config file only priors for the first four molecules would need to be listed. The abundance of the last species in the list above will be determined from the other molecules.

Piecewise polynomials

If a chemical species, say, H2O should be included using non-constant abundances by using the parametrisation with piecewise polynomials, the keyword free, followed by the species’ formula, the number of elements k, and the polynomial degree q need to be added to the forward_model.config file:

#Retrieved chemical species
free H2O k q

Note, that unlike the isoprofile chemistry above, only a single species can be used here. As stated here, the number of free parameters for this parametrisation is \(k q + 1\). The free parameters that have to be added to the priors config file correspond to the mixing ratios of the chosen species at the \(k q + 1\) discrete pressure points that are distributed equidistantly in logarithmic pressure space. The first parameter in that list refers to the bottom of the atmosphere, while the last represents its top.

Cubic b splines

For parametrising the vertical profile of a species, for example, CH4 by a cubic b spline, the keyword free_cs (or free_cspline), followed by the species’ formula and the number of points k need to be added to the forward_model.config file:

#Retrieved chemical species
free_cs CH4 k

Note, that like for the piecewise polynomials, only a single species can be used here. As stated here, the number of free parameters for this parametrisation is equal to the number of points \(k\) and needs to be at least 5. They correspond to the mixing ratios at the \(k\) discrete pressure points that are distributed equidistantly in logarithmic pressure space.

These free parameters have to be added to the priors config file in descending pressures. The first parameter in the prior list refers to the bottom of the atmosphere, while the last represents its top.

Equilibrium chemistry

BeAR has the option of calculating the chemical composition of the atmosphere using the equilibrium chemistry code FastChem. In the forward_model.config file, this is chosen by

#Retrieved chemical species
eq fastchem_parameters.dat

The indicated file after the keyword eq is the main configuration file for FastChem. It contains information on the elemental abundances and thermochemical data that FastChem should use. This file has the following structure

#element abundance file   

#species data file    

#accuracy of chemistry iteration

#max number of chemistry iterations 

#max number internal solver iterations

The first and second entry correspond to the location of the elemental abundance file and the file with the equilibrium constants, respectively. BeAR already includes a sample of these files in the folder fastchem_data. Otherwise, they can be obtained from the FastChem repository.

The third entry is the relative accuracy of the FastChem convergence criterion, followed by the limits for the number of chemistry and solver iterations. More details on FastChem and the parameters can be found in the FastChem documentation.

The equilibrium chemistry model has two free parameters: the metallicity factor M/H and the C/O ratio. M/H is a general factor that the read-in elemental abundances are multiplied with. Thus, both M/H and the C/O parameters refer to the elemental abundances that are specified in the FastChem parameter file, which are not necessarily always solar. Both have to be added to the prior configuration file, with M/H as the first and the C/O ratio as the second parameter.

Even though FastChem is a very fast chemistry code, the computational time will increase substantially when using this chemistry model. One way to decrease the calculation time is to reduce the number of elements treated in FastChem to only the most important ones, such as H, He, C, O, and N. Information on how to change the FastChem input files can again be found in the FastChem documentation.

Background species

This chemistry model will fill up the background of the atmosphere with a specific chemical species. The mixing ratio \(x_\mathrm{bg}\) of this background species \(i\) is determined by the mixing ratios of all other species \(j\):

\[x_\mathrm{bg} = 1 - \sum_{j, j \neq i} x_j \ .\]

For a gas giant or a brown dwarf, the background is usually given by a combination of molecular hydrogen (H2) and helium (He), whereas for the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet, the background species is rather molecular nitrogen (N2).

This background chemistry model is chosen in the forward_model.config file by using the keyword bg or background

#Retrieved chemical species
bg N2

followed by the chemical species that will fill up the atmosphere. For the special case of a background mixture of both H2 and He with their solar elemental abundance ratio, the special species code H2He is used. This special “species” does not need to be added to the list of chemical species in the header file src/chemistry/chem_species.h but rather H2 and He need to be present there individually.

Since the mixing ratio of the background species is determined by those of all other species, no free parameter is required for this model in the prior distribution file.

Mixing different chemistry models

BeAR also has the ability to use multiple chemistry models simultaneously. For example, to constrain the constant abundances of some species and then fill up the rest of the atmosphere with H2 and He, the following can be used:

#Retrieved chemical species
iso H2O NH3 CO2
bg H2He

Another use case could be to perform a retrieval with constant mixing ratios for a selection of species and a separate species, say CH4, that is assumed to have non-constant abundances. Together with a background gas, the following can be used as configuration in the forward_model.config file:

#Retrieved chemical species
iso H2O NH3 CO2
free_cs CH4 5
background N2

BeAR will call the chemistry models in the order they appear in this list. That means, in this example it would first set the constant mixing ratios of H2O, NH3, and CO2, then use a variable profile based on cubic splines for methane, and finally fill up the rest of the atmosphere with molecular nitrogen.

The mean molecular weight is recalculated after each chemistry model. BeAR will also check the sum of all mixing ratios and neglect models where the sum exceeds unity.

Yet another possibility is to calculate the background atmosphere in chemical equilibrium and try to retrieve a separate species assumed not to be in equilibrium:

#Retrieved chemical species
eq fastchem_parameters.dat
iso CO

Here, BeAR would first use FastChem to determine the chemical composition in equilibrium and then replace the CO abundance by a constant mixing ratio that is a separate free parameter. This can, for example, simulate the impact of vertical mixing. An extension of that case could also include other non-constant species to take into account photochemical effects in the upper atmosphere:

#Retrieved chemical species
eq fastchem_parameters.dat
iso CO
free_cs SO2 5
free_cs HCN 5

In the prior configuration file, the free parameters have to appear in the same order as the chemistry models listed in forward_model.config.

Thus, for the first example, the following priors need to be listed:

  • constant mixing ratios for H2O, NH3, CO2

  • 5 mixing ratios for CH4

For the last example above, the prior file needs to list

  • M/H and C/O for the equilibrium chemistry

  • the constant CO mixing ratio

  • 5 mixing ratios for SO2

  • 5 mixing ratios for HCN

One should pay careful attention to the order of the chemistry models that should be used. For example, in this case:

#Retrieved chemical species
iso CO
eq fastchem_parameters.dat

CO would first be set to an isoprofile and then in the second step be replaced with the results from the equilibrium chemistry calculation. The free mixing ratio of CO will, therefore, remain unconstrained.

Another incorrect order would, for example, also be the following case:

#Retrieved chemical species
bg H2He
iso H2O CO2 NH3

Here, BeAR would first fill up the entire atmosphere with H2 and He. This means that when H2O, CO2, and NH3 are added through the second model, the sum of all mixing ratios would exceed unity. All parameter combinations during the retrieval calculations would, therefore, be neglected.

Chemical species list

For internal and external communications in the code, BeAR defines a list of all chemical species it can use. The corresponding source code can be found in the header file src/chemistry/chem_species.h.

Here, an enumeration is first declared

enum chemical_species_id {_TOTAL, _H, _He, _C, _O, _H2, _H2O, _CO2};

This creates a list of integer constants, such that later in the code, the position of, say, H2O in a vector with chemical species can be referred to as _H2O. Next, a vector with important chemical information is created:

const std::vector<chemistry_data> species_data{
  {_TOTAL, "Total", "Total",  0.0},
  {_H,     "H",     "H",      1.00784},
  {_He,    "He",    "He",     4.002602},
  {_C,     "C",     "C",      12.0107},
  {_O,     "O",     "O",      15.999},
  {_H2,    "H2",    "H2",     2.01588},
  {_H2O,   "H2O",   "H2O1",   18.01528},
  {_CO2,   "CO2",   "C1O2",   44.01}};

This vector connects the defined integer constants with actual chemical species. The second column contains the usual symbol/formula of the chemical species, the third the corresponding Hill notation for FastChem, and the last column the atomic/molecular weight. The latter information is used internally to compute important quantities, such as the mean molecular weight. A special species is _TOTAL. This refers to the total number density, given through the pressure via the ideal gas law. It has a molecular weight of 0 to prevent it from contributing to the mean molecular weight.

BeAR already includes a list of important species. If a species that should be used in a retrieval is missing, it needs to be added to src/chemistry/chem_species.h.

This has to be done at two places:

  • the enumeration enum chemical_species_id

  • the vector const std::vector<chemistry_data> species_data

It is recommended to always add a new species at the end of each vector to avoid confusion. For example, to add methane (CH4) as a new species, the code needs to be adapted to

enum chemical_species_id {_TOTAL, _H, _He, _C, _O, _H2, _H2O, _CO2, _CH4};

const std::vector<chemistry_data> species_data{
  {_TOTAL, "Total", "Total",  0.0},
  {_H,     "H",     "H",      1.00784},
  {_He,    "He",    "He",     4.002602},
  {_C,     "C",     "C",      12.0107},
  {_O,     "O",     "O",      15.999},
  {_H2,    "H2",    "H2",     2.01588},
  {_H2O,   "H2O",   "H2O1",   18.01528},
  {_CO2,   "CO2",   "C1O2",   44.01},
  {_CH4,   "CH4",   "C1H4",   16.04246}};

After changing the header file, the code needs to be re-compiled.